A Little About Ions
4th Dec 2024
JUNE 20, 2019
Ever wonder why you just seem to feel better in nature, let's say near a river, lake, the ocean, on a mountain? Well if we talk a little bit about negative ions and positive ions, we might begin to understand why this is not just a belief but a fact.
Every living cell in our bodies has an electrical current in it, we are literally vibrating at a specific frequency individual to each human body. Our magnetic field is made of both positive and negative ions. Positive ions are created by cell phones, TV's, computers, wifi, etc. and can adversely affect our mood. Overexposure to these ions can create a multitude of physical symptoms such as depression, fatigue, lethargy, etc. Abundant negative ions are found in Mother Nature when water is in motion such as after a rain shower or by the beach with the waves crashing or near a rushing river, even fountains.
They are generated in large quantities as air molecules break apart from moving water. Which would explain why you feel so good after a shower, because you are creating your own negative ions. Air movement (wind), sunlight, plants and radioactive decay of noble gases also naturally create them. Negative ions are lighter and smaller and more likely to become airborne, positive ions, being heavier tend to fall to the ground. This would explain why it feels so good to be outside because it is literally GOOD FOR YOU!
Odorless, tasteless, and invisible, when we inhale negative ions as they reach our bloodstream, they are believed to produce biochemical reactions that increase the levels of the mood chemical seratonin. Seratonin, if you are not familiar, is what your body uses to alleviate stress, relieve depression and increase our vitality.
Another word for positive ions that you might have heard of before is 'free radicals.' These can either be atoms, molecules, or ions with unpaired electrons. 'Stealing' electrons from healthy cells to neutralize their own charge, they weaken healthy cells, causing cellular damage and decreasing the function of our immune systems. In the world we live in today there are way more devices producing positive ions than in the past, creating electrical imbalances in the air and in our bodies.
Ever hear of 'Sick Building Syndrome?' Our homes today are so tight that little or no outside air can get in, our heating and air conditioning systems can produce positive ions. Too much time indoors can literally zap your energy and make you feel ill, between your phone and all the other electronic devices in your home. Just to give you an idea, the ocean is reported to have tens of thousands of negative ions while the average home, office, building may contain a few hundred to none.
Salt lamps are always a great way to increase the negative ions in your indoor space whether it's an office or home. Not only is the soft, illuminating light emanating from them relaxing and calming, but they are actually air purifiers! So open the windows, go outside, get a little or big, even, fountain in your house, we have this cute Buddha one in ours right next to our Salt Lamp. It's so basic, costs nothing, no prescription needed and you could feel better...it's a no brainer! Open the windows, get outside, put down your phone!