4th Dec 2024
Cancer Feeds On Sugar. If You Have Cancer, Avoid Sugar.
MAY 15, 2019
Many folks do not know that cancer feeds on sugar or believe me when I tell them. It is true, tho, cancer cells have receptors on them that feed on sugar. Cancer cells consume 15 times more glucose than normal cells. Consuming sugar can speed the development and progression of disease. So when you have cancer and you eat sugar, you are literally feeding your cancer. Crazy, isn’t it that Oncologist’s have a bowl of candy on the counter for you when you come to see them, right?
When My husband was undergoing chemo treatments, the nurses would come in the room and ask him if he wanted a milkshake. The refrigerator on the chemo unit was filled with Coke and Sprite and plenty of ice cream. There is a lot of job security in that. Does that mean that oncologist do not know that cancer cells feed on sugar? Of course they do, ever heard of a PET scan? The patient is given a form of radioactive glucose and then waits for the scan and it is evident where the cancer lies because it is consuming the glucose more rapidly than the normal cells, right? So those groups of cells light up.
Now that does not mean ALL sugar. After I tell patients this and then recommend they drink 8 oz of organic fruit smoothies everyday, they say, 'What about all of the sugar in fruit?'
This is different. Fruit sugar is made by Mother Nature, it is good for you. Refined white sugar isn't. Really artificial sweeteners, cane sugar, Sucanat, raw sugar, any of those really aren't good for a compromised immune system. Maple syrup is ok as well as honey and Stevia. They actually contain oxalic acid which helps to destroy cancer cells.
According to Cancertutor.com '...refined sugar and other simple sugars also interfere with your immunity system. These substances also interfere with getting Vitamin C and oxygen into the cancer cells. Sugar also depletes the body of key minerals and other nutrients because of its acidity. It is not the acidity that directly destroys the minerals, the acidity causes the body to use the minerals to regulate the pH level in the body. The same is true of all acidic foods.
The chain reaction caused in the body by acidic foods — due to the body's attempts to keep the blood at a level pH — is the cause, or a major contributing factor, to almost all chronic diseases, including cancer. It would take an entire book to describe how the body keeps its pH normal, and the ramifications of these processes.' You can find the rest of this article at ~https://www.cancertutor.com/cancer-diet/
If we think about it, understanding that foods that contain oxalic acid kill cancer cells, than we can relate to the fact that everything we put in our mouth is either feeding the cancer growing inside or shrinking it, then consuming a diet rich in oxalic foods, let's say at least 50% of your diet everyday, will be directly destroying cancer cells.
Some people are not aware that we all have cancer cells in our bodies. But our healthy immune system finds them and destroys them or the environmental factors we expose our bodies to forces them to commit suicide. OR the environmental factors we expose ourselves to, compromise our immune system, or damage it even, depleting it so it can not only fight rogue cells, but can barely defend itself.
One can of Coke can shut down 1/2 of your immune system for about 4 hours, that's just one can, that is not including anything else consumed that contains sugar. If you are a cancer patient or someone with a compromised immune system, you cannot afford to have your immune system shut down for any~time. You need everything that your body comes in contact with to be strengthening it, building it, giving it energy, making you feel good. That includes those around you and where you let your mind dwell.
If you are surrounding yourself with toxic people and situations, you can eat all of the oxalic acid you want, but your struggle will still be real. Part of the healing process is forgiveness, appreciation and removing that which does not serve you anymore. Think of the people in your life. If when you think of someone, you get a pit in your stomach and you start feeling stressed. Avoid contact with them so you can allow your self to heal. Surround yourself with those who make your body feel alive and happy when you think about spending time with them. Just a little food for thought....