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Colonoscopy, My Doctor Wants me to Get One. 'It's a Routine Procedure,'... Famous Last Words....

4th Dec 2024

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JULY 5 2018 What does that mean? A 'Routine Procedure'? It, apparently, is supposed to mean it's one that they do all of the time. Meaning what? That there is no risk involved? That they do it so often that they know how? If you look up the definition of 'routine procedure', it says something like, 'When a doctor says that something is a "routine procedure", it means that he or she often does it, and it's nothing new or scary.' Really?.... well I have a couple of stories that I SINCERELY wish I didn't have.

OK, here's a story, that's not a very good one. My friend called and told me his doctor wanted him to have a colonoscopy, he asked me what I thought about it. I warned him not to do it! I told him that having the procedure ups your mortality by 157%. I told him about a friend that I had who had mentioned she was getting a colonoscopy and asked me if I knew anything about it. I didn't. But after all of my research and education, those kind of tests are not good, so I told her that. 'I'll look it up tonite and let you know tomorrow what I find,' I told her....

Well, when I researched it from trusted sources, everything pointed to a big, 'NO.' My research found that it ups your mortality by 157%. (You can look that one up if you don't know what it means). I also found that anything that they would find in a colonoscopy, could be found in a stool sample, so why not start there, first?

They say that they want to do it to see if there are any polyps...cancerous growths. But the only issue with that is, if there was, shoving a tube through your colon would cause them to be disrupted and released all throughout your body. Metastisize is what they call it when cancer spreads to other parts, instead of staying isolated in one area. This is what colonoscopies cause."""

I told her my findings...'Well, I already have it scheduled,' she said. I told her, 'It's your body and your choice, noone can make you do it and if you cancel the appt. noone really cares, they just schedule someone else in...' 'Well, I told my Dr. I would, it's coming right up,' she said, 'I can't cancel it, now.'

I didn't see her for a couple of weeks, when I saw her again, she said, 'Michele, I had that colonoscopy, damn near killed me!!' 'I was so sick for the next week, couldn't get up, I was throwing up, it was awful. When I saw my Dr. again, I told her, I'm never going to do that again, that was horrible, I was sick as a dog my whole vacation, I couldn't even get out of bed! And do you know what she told me, ' she asked me. 'No, what,' I said. 'She told me, that it's ok, I don't have to. That whatever they can find from one of those, they can see in a stool sample! Then why didn't you give me one of those, I asked her?!'

I told my buddy this story, and he said, 'I bet if you go look on the internet, you can find other sources that say just the opposite, that it's a completely safe procedure.' I told him that these were TRUSTED sources that I checked with, (I haven't included, here, all of the research I did. I have only included a couple of articles.) But some friends told him it's a 'routine procedure', that they had it done, and it was fine. Unfortunately, he went and had it done.

During the procedure, they poked a hole in his colon, unbeknownst to him, he went to work the next day, felt sick. Went to his local doctor after he noticed a fever, who sent him to the emergency room where they found he had a tear in his colon. He seriously could have died! This is what he's left with, hospitalized for a week, this huge scar, and four weeks of recovery....all for a 'routine' procedure. My friend told me that he found out that they can do a test that is noninvasive to see if you have cancer. Now, he really wishes that they had done that one. He wanted me to share this with you, so that this does not happen to you. I feel so bad for him.

This above link is the consent form for a 'routine procedure!' Here is a couple of the risks:
Uncommon risks and complications include:

About 1 person in every 1,000 will accidentally
get a hole (perforation) to the bowel causing
leakage of bowel contents into the abdomen.
Surgery may be needed to repair the hole.

About 1 person in every 100 will experience a
significant bleed from the bowel where a polyp
was removed. Further endoscopy, a blood
transfusion or an operation may be necessary.

Heart and lung problems such as heart attack or
vomit in the lungs causing pneumonia.
Emergency treatment may be necessary.
Stroke resulting in brain damage.
An existing medical condition that you may
already have getting worse.....that no guarantee has been made that the
procedure will improve my condition even though
it has been carried out with due professional care. that is an awful lot of risks, SERIOUS RISKS for a 'ROUTINE PROCEDURE' don't you think? If you think your body is having issues, make changes, you don't need a test that could kill you, to know. You feel it, you know when your body is functioning at it's optimal level and you know when it's not. Conventional medicine has so many diagnosis', prognosis' and diseases, it's hard to keep them all straight.

Chinese Medicine teaches us to treat the patient, not the disease. What are the symptoms? What is trying to be relieved. Too much heat, too much cold, etc. and then the treatment is based on trying to replenish what is absent or abstain from what there is too much of. It's much to extensive to go into in this blog. The point is, sure, it's good to know what's going on but if finding out means that you risk, perforation in your bowel, a heart attack, a stroke, brain damage or death, odds are whatever is bothering you is going to take a significant amount of time before it gets to that deadly level of risk.

If there is a non-invasive test that you can have, than, sure, why not? But what if you didn't have anything that bad wrong with you and you ended up with a stroke, perforated bowel, heart attack or dying? The treatment should not exceed the disease! I'm not sure in what book that say's it's ok.

At the bottom of this page is links to another test that they have come up with 92% accuracy and it's a stool sample. Why risk death if you're trying to avoid it?
Pharmaceutical companies and Dr.s love to say that the risks of the disease outweigh the side effects of the medication and procedures, but is that really the case when death or stroke is a side effect? What could be worse than that? Doctors take a Hippocratic Oath to do no harm....>