30 Day Program with Immune Building Protocol



Healing CBD Products               $250 Value

Discover The Essence                $45 Value
of Plant Medicine Book

Immune Building Protocol          $997 Value

6 1:1 20 min Coaching Sess.     $150 Value

Affirmation Art                            $250 Value

In our 30 Day Program, you will receive an Immune Building Protocol that is specially formulated for your specific ailments with symptom management recommendations. This Protocol includes an initial consultation, immune building supplements, teas, mindfulness techniques, a Lifestyle Assessment, links to websites for supplements and links to websites containing various research based information on your specific kind of cancer, disease, condition, etc.

In 2016, Michele’s love of 20+ years was diagnosed with a Triple Hit of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and was only given a 35% chance of surviving. After being told to get his affairs in order, Michele spent tireless hours researching Cancer, Treatments and Prevention. In her research, she collected about 20 different vitamins, herbs, minerals, enzymes, mushrooms and in 3 months he enjoyed a full recovery, to his Oncologist’s dismay! 

The steps that are taken towards overall health and vital well being can be taken with large steps or small steps depending on the severity of your disease. But a Warrior’s Will is in order either way. This is a battle that can and will be won if you put your mind to it.

Does it involve work? Yes. Will it be easy? Depends on you. Is it necessary for survival? Yes. The road ahead may be long, but you are going to arrive at the end of the road either way, someday, we all will. It’s the path we choose to get there, the path of least resistance?

Or will we choose the bumpy road that will result in falling and possibly breaking something losing our ability to do other things in life that we enjoy? If given the right nutrients, supplements, vitamins, herbs, enzymes, minerals, etc., your body will heal itself.

I have spent countless hours researching cancer, supplements, protocols, etc. and the findings show nothing less. I am passionate about this research and am anxious to share it with you.

Why ImmunoTherapy?

Given what it needs, the body has an AMAZING ability to regenerate cells and by building your immune system, YOUR body will fight off the cancer, ensuring it doesn't return. Chemo and Radiation will kill the daughter cancer cells which create tumors, but it is the mother stem cells that create the daughter cells.

They do not kill the mother stem cells, these must be eradicated by YOUR body, in all of its infinite intelligence. It must be the one who seeks out and destroys those cancer cells. When cancer is growing in your body, there is a miscommunication going on. Your body does not see the cancer.

Our Immune Building Protocol will not only help your body to recognize the cancer if needed but will turn your immune system into super charged, hyper sensitive cancer fighting cells that will seek out and destroy the cancer that is invading your body if you are battling a cancer diagnosis.

Why Does it Work?

Plant medicine is easily absorbed, has no side effects and is recognized as a healing agent by our bodies. Our cells actually have receptors on them to receive from plants, meaning we were actually designed to reap the benefits of what plants have to offer.

Chemotherapy & Radiation

While I would never suggest either of these, I agree they can have a time and a place. If you are in 'that' place, I can help alleviate the side effects, which we all know are numerous and can be unbearable to endure. While chemo and radiation are killing your immune system and breaking down healthy cells, damage can be avoided by introducing certain herbs, supplements, etc. that assist the body in eliminating toxins, rebuild tissue, stimulate the immune system and induce an overall general feeling of well being.

With this supplementation, many irreversible life changing effects of chemotherapy and radiation can be avoided, including permanent damage to the heart valve, neuropathy, losing your teeth, etc.

Get in touch either by emailing or calling 802 624-6540 to schedule your Consultation and Let Your Healing Journey Begin~

Feel Better Now!

Wildflower ImmunoTherapy 30 Day Program includes Immune Building Protocol, Tea Blends, CBD Spray Lotions, etc. for symptom management of compromised immune systems or conditions such as:

  • Chronic Pain
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • MS
  • Cancer
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Neuropathy
  • Alzheimer's
  • Parkinsons's
  • Huntington's
  • IBS
  • Menstrual Cramps
  • Migraines, etc.

End your suffering, learn how to give your body what it needs and how your body can heal. We welcome you on the journey towards radiant health and vibrant wellness!

Each Protocol is specially formulated for your specific needs and is priced accordingly to your specific supplementation requirements. Call Michele at 802 624-6540 or email naturesmysteriesinfo@yahoo.com to schedule your Consultation today!


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