
What's All The Hype About CBD?


Would you like to learn the many benefits of the Cannabis/Hemp Plant?

This series of workshops is an informational wealth of knowledge! Facilitated by Michele Wildflower~Author, Holistic Health Practitioner, Clinical Cannabinoid Clinician, Essential Oil Coach, Homeopath, Herbalist, Reiki Master, Certified in Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Owner and Formulator for Nature's Mysteries Apothecary. Student of Clinical Kinesiology, currently working towards her Ph.D in Holistic Natural Health and Nutrition. She is passionate about plant medicine research and education and enjoys passing on the knowledge.

Each workshop will last for an hour~
45 min. of instruction and 15 min. of
Q and A.

Discover the Essence of Plant Medicine with Michele Wildflower HP, RM, Clinical Cannabinoid Clinician~


Divided into three parts including the background of the plant from it's beginning's to the modern day perception of it. Learn about 'The War On Drugs' and the lies and propaganda involved in pure discrimination against this plant. Learn about DuPont and Big Pharma and the role they played in it all as well as what the US Government themselves know but don't tell. Participants will also learn the many uses of the Hemp plant including specific applications and various extraction methods. Scientific research based studies have proven the benefits for many conditions which will also be included. Learn uses for children and pets. Divided into three parts including the background of the plant from it's beginning's to the modern day perception of it. Learn about 'The War On Drugs' and the lies and propaganda involved in pure discrimination against this plant. Learn about DuPont and Big Pharma and the role they played in it all as well as what the US Government themselves know but don't tell. Participants will also learn the many uses of the Hemp plant including specific applications and various extraction methods. Scientific research based studies have proven the benefits for many conditions which will also be included. Learn uses for children and pets.



The second in the series focus' on The Endocannabanoid System, what it is and how important it is to the proper functioning of multiple systems in the body. Participants will come to understand what phytocannabanoids are, and how they affect the body. Included is information about THC and its specific abilities. Dosing recommendations will be investigated as well. The Entourage Effect will be explored.


The third and last in the series will describe the benefits of having a product tested or using only products that are tested to ensure quality when choosing a medicine. What the proper questions are to ask when choosing an oil. What are possible growing options available to patients? Safety concerns and guidelines will be considered. The effects of and a comparison to pharmaceutical medication versus plant medicine will be explained. Finally, a list of resources will be included so that one can further explore on their own.

Maximize Your POTential! Grow Workshop


Facilitated by Michele's husband, Ray, a 30 year veteran grower of indoor and outdoor cultivars. Cultivation requires close observation utilizing an exact scientific method employed to ensure your Cannabis/Hemp reaches it's fullest medicinal quality potential. By facilitating the perfect grow environment, you can ensure your plants will thrive, flourish & yield a bountiful harvest. Specific nutrients as well as balanced ph levels must be carefully measured and proper quantities of nutrients provided are crucial for their optimum development. In this workshop, facilitated by Iggy Wildflower, a Grow Professional, for over 25 years, you will learn not just how to grow, but how to grow BIG BUDS! As a Hemp Farmer and Medical Marijuana patient, he is familiar with Vermont laws regarding the cultivation of Cannabis/Hemp, he is also a Cannabis Cultivation Specialist & Consultant who has been researching various grow methods for Cannabis for years. Natural & organic methods of cultivation have been researched, experimented & implemented. Experienced in growing both hydroponically & in soil, Iggy can explain the differences, benefits & possibilities of which grow medium would be optimum for you, your space & condition. With a complete understanding of the life cycle process that a cannabis plant goes through from a seed or clone to a fully matured plant, he enjoys educating others about the benefits & satisfaction of growing plants that have reached their fullest medicinal quality potential. This is one you are NOT going to want to miss!