Choose your potency: Intense Pain Relief or Extra Strength. For Joint Pain, Inflammation, Chronic Pain, Arthritis, etc. Specially formulated blend to relieve the pain you are experiencing. in varying strengths beginning at 100mg CBD or 200mg CBD for Extreme Pain Relief! Topical application ensures speedy absorption for quick relief!
Received a great testimonial from an elderly woman suffering from throbbing, arthritic, aching knuckle, she put it on and said that before she got to the end of the row at the market the throbbing stopped! See our other live video testimonials below. With Lemongrass and Ylang Ylang to help strengthen weak connective tissue.
Meet Donna, she could hardly move when she met me....
Nature's Mysteries
Meet Laura Campo, her hand feels better!
Here her funny take on it....
Nature's Mysteries Apothecary
Here’s Scott, he approached our booth walking with a cane, in ...
Nature's Mysteries Apothecary
Meet Mike, he has a house in Peacham, my daughter let him samp...
Joanne Fitzpatrick is (or should I say was) in chronic pain ALL the time...
'It went away,' she said, gone!
Nature's Mysteries Apothecary
Meet Carla, she’s tried other CBD products before, but they di...
See why Miles thinks our Massage Salve is ‘super rad!’
Nature's Mysteries Apothecary
Donna bought our Massage Salve a few weeks ago for her husband...
Relieves pain and relaxes me to go back to sleep during the night
Thanks. I love this salve and recommend it often.
Massage Salve
I am so pleased with this product. One of my hobbies is crocheting and the first night I tried this it eases my pain in just a couple of minutes. It’s wonderful!!!!
CBD Salve
I've tried many products to help reduce the pain in my knees post replacement surgery and this is the only one that has worked. I wholeheartedly recommend it.
200mg massage salve
I LOVE this! If I wake in the night with a cramp or pain I rub some on and in minutes I’m back to sleep. The best!